How To Take A Break From Work And Why That’s A Healthy Choice To Make

Are you stressed at work? Do you dread going to the office? Is the whole thought of the daily grind like a voice screaming in the back of your head? Even if you’re not to that point, you shouldn’t even feel like you’re headed in that direction. Learn to take a break and relax from work. It’s important; we’ll show you how and why.

  • Why Do You Need To Take A Break From Work?
  • Are You Being Lazy If You Just Want To Get Away?
  • It’s Easy To Relax If You Do It The Right Way.

“I didn’t sleep well.” How many times has that phrase been uttered by someone who looks like they’re on their last leg? What that statement tells us is there’s a way to sleep, as well as a way not to sleep. By extension we can say every form of relaxation has both a proper, as well as an improper way of doing it. Nowhere is this more obvious than in the work place. People stress over how to step away from their jobs. Whether it’s a momentary break or a multi-week vacation too many people are in conflict about the best way to get away from work.

Why Is It So Important To Take A Break From Work?

Before we talk about how to relax, it’s important to clarify why it’s necessary. Too much of the modern work ethic stresses work over relaxation, as though the two don’t go hand in hand. One of the chief criticisms of someone who’s not doing well at work is that they need to work harder. While this may be true sometimes, it shouldn’t be a go to answer. A lack of energy, bad moods and poor health are all a sign of work related stress. People who feel frustrated, or think they’re not doing a good job, are often simply overworked. Job stress can make a person resent their workplace. It can make them resent their co-workers. On a private level it can make them think poorly and self-medicate with anything from food indulgence to alcohol and sleep aids.

Rest may seem like an obvious solution to stress, but many people feel lazy or unproductive if they’re not thinking about work constantly. Even though the opposite has been proven time and time again there’s a popular belief that working to the point of exhaustion is the best recipe for success. In opposition to that sentiment surveys and studies find that resting periodically encourages more creativity, productivity and longevity. Taking productive breaks makes a person less stressful, more rested, clearer thinking and more efficient. What’s important is to make sure the right kind of time off is being taken. Some activities that seem relaxing on the surface are actually adding to stress and strain.

Below is a list of seven methods to help relax. They can be done separately or in any workable combination.

1. Recharge

The first sensible response to relieving job stress is to take an immediate break. Get up and stretch; have some coffee. Take a nap, or go for a walk if you like. Do something immediate that takes you away from work and lets you relax your mind and body. It’s helpful to get out of the head space of the working world for a few moments, then come back refreshed and ready.

2. Re-imagine

For a more extended break, do things to refresh your mind. Read books or articles that are not work related. Write something interesting, for yourself or for other readers. Do mental exercises that are structured and meant to stimulate. Listen to music or soothing nature sounds. Play chess or some other quiet, mentally engaging game. Let your mind wander and think about matters other than work.

3. Regroup

Get out and see other people. Engage with friends and family. Reconnect with those relationships. Humans are herd animals. Go to your favorite watering holes. Concentrate on the quieter spots that let you take in the surroundings casually. Catch up with people with simple thank you’s; remind yourself who your real life companions are.

4. Reorganize

Clean up your home. An orderly living space can go a long way towards relieving stress. It’s not necessary to go as far as spring cleaning, but tidy up and wipe down as much as possible. It’s actually draining to be constantly stepping over and around everything. Pay attention to your cyber world as well. Clean up your mobile and desktop storage areas. Avoid social media or negative online engagement. Don’t stray into anything too addictive or combative. The point is to clean up these areas, not add to their clutter.

5. Relearn

This should be more properly labeled ‘learn something new’. Whether it’s a new skill or just realizing a new aspect of your own personality, it’s energizing to try new things. Go to your professional listings, such as LinkedIn, and update your skills. Take classes that show you new horizons. Learn a new language, and visit a new land. If you can’t travel, find pictures and videos that allow you to experience brand new places.

6. Relaxation

Take the time to actually do nothing. Let your mind actually drift, while you truly relax your body. You can do this at home via Staycation, where you enjoy the quiet and comfort of your own surroundings, or via a fun getaway, where you relax in a new place with new settings.

7. Retreat

As a final resort you can get away form it all and go off the grid. Go camping, hiking or take a trip in an RV. Find a legitimate professional or artistic retreat if you can. Let yourself be distracted by an immersive vacation escape. Make it as relaxing as possible, and come back to work with a new perspective.