Yoast: A SEO Plugin To Help You Achieve Better Rankings

Heard of Yoast? It’s one the world’s most popular SEO plugins. In fact, it’s used on close to 7 million+ sites . With so many sites using this plugin, it’s become the most respected SEO plugin options out there.

To understand why Yoast is so popular, you have to first understand the purpose of a search engine optimization plugin. On-page SEO is the practice of optimizing your on-site content to rank higher in search engines like Google. Basically, it means providing your visitors with the best possible way to find your site when they are searching on a search engine.

However, when your site is loaded with static content, adding new pages to your site and updating existing ones can be a daunting task. You can’t create and update brand driven content on a whim. And if you’re a company of any size, dealing with all of the trending technicalities can be difficult and time consuming.

Services & Key Features

Search engine optimization offers the potential to improve rankings and improve traffic to your website. It’s a fast and easy way to help your business rank higher in Google and other search engines. It gives you a head start on other businesses that have less experience with SEO.

Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that helps you do on brand SEO. In a few minutes, Yoast will provide you with an analysis of your page, to help you get your SEO right. The plugin improves your chances of ranking well in the search engines by providing you with a score on how well you can be found. As well as tips for how to improve your ranking and title tags.

Yoast SEO is the most downloaded WordPress plugin ever, and it’s not hard to see why it’s so popular. It’s easy to setup and offers great features for search engine optimization. Ultimately, Yoast will make your WordPress site perform better in in Google and other search engines.

Costs Of Service

The free version is more than enough for a typical blogger. It’s effective and there are plenty of features to make the most of your SEO efforts. The premium version is only recommended if you need access to advanced features like support via phone or chat, or translation services.

A single site license plugin can be purchased for as low as $69 per year. It’s an ideal solution for bloggers or small businesses and it’s fairly easy to setup. The folks at Yoast provide a helpful tutorial on how to install the plugin. I would recommend reading through it before you get started. This will help ensure you get Yoast properly installed and configured.

Pros & Cons

If there’s one thing to be said about Yoast it’s that it makes content creation easy. It also helps you make use of keywords in your content to improve your SEO efforts. However, regardless how simple Yoast makes the process of SEO, there is the question of intent.

It’s not as good at understanding the intent of the content, the structure of the article and so on. Depending on the industry you’re in, this can be problematic. For example, if you’re using Yoast SEO in a journalism article, it can come across as very spammy. It’s great to have, but it might not work for every industry.

One of the really nice features of Yoast is that it makes using tags pretty easy. You can tag your content to make it search engine friendly. And if you use Google Analytics to track traffic to your website, you can integrate Yoast into it. This will be handy to see what keywords are bringing you traffic and what parts of your site are popular with your visitors.

Additionally, if you are writing for the web, readability is crucial. The Yoast SEO plugin can help ensure your content is accessible to as many readers as possible with the readability check feature. It checks the quality of your text and gives you a score based on the Flesch Reading Ease test, which measures how easy it is to read content out loud. The higher the score, the easier it is to understand.

Final Thoughts

You can’t argue with success. The reason so many SEO companies exist is because they work and work well. And while there are many great search engine optimization companies in the industry, Yoast is one of the best ways to get started and save yourself some time and money.

Yoast SEO offers an excellent combination of free and premium features. It’s powerful and has everything you need to have a successful search engine optimization campaign.